Saturday, 14 February 2015

Long Island SEO & 3 Common Missteps On Google

By Robbie Sutter

No one can dispute the idea that Google rankings, in this day and age, are essential for business to stay afloat. Keep in mind that with the vast nature of the Internet, more and more consumers are turning to this platform to do business. What this means is that rankings have to be high, which is unfortunate when the wrong methods are set in place. Certain mistakes can be made, according to Long Island SEO firms, and these are just a few to take into account.

According to firms along the lines of fishbat, Google rankings can fall based on the posting of false contact information. Keep in mind that Google users rely on said information to get in touch with the proper authorities, meaning that illegitimate phone numbers and the like can turn them away. It'll also result in Google's reputation being sullied, which is understandably something that the company does not want. This is just one of many talking points experts in Long Island SEO may draw attention to.

Another talking point that is worth covering has to do with keyword saturation. I am sure that everyone knows about how certain keywords should not be used over and over again, as this can result in spam-like content that very few people will find engaging. However, I think that it is just as important to look at how particular keywords are relied on more than others. This can result in decreased Google rankings, and using a number of keywords, in moderation, can help to avoid this.

Did you know that a website's ranking, on Google, may also rise and fall based on how long it takes to load? The ideal situation, for a website, is to load immediately; three to four seconds should be the maximum time required. Any longer may cause a user to click away and Google wants to ensure that engagement is done over the course of time. Part of this comes from loading speed, so make sure that this is optimized ahead of time.

As you can see, businesses can fall on Google if the incorrect measures are taken. It seems like these can be viewed as learning experiences but there are many companies that seem to be oblivious to just how harmful these practices can be. Fortunately, those who are skilled in Long Island SEO can help to make this process more beneficial. Keep this in mind and, before long, you'll start to see your own website rank higher on Google than you would have ever expected.

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